Graduate and Postgraduate Conference 2013
“Graduate and Postgraduate Programs in Education in Arab Universities: Quality and Added Value”
November 1 & 2, 2013
Lebanese American University (LAU)
Under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon, the conference titled “Graduate and Postgraduate Programs in Education in Arab Universities: Quality and Added Value” is co-organized on the 1st and 2nd of November 2013, by the Arab Educational Information Network – Shamaa and the Lebanese Association for Educational Studies (LAES) and hosted by the Lebanese American University.
The conference’s objective is to provide a platform for educational researchers to present their perspectives on the current state of research studies in graduate programs in education and to raise questions regarding the quality of these studies. Papers presented will be subject to peer review process to be eligible for publication in the refereed conference proceedings.
We hope that the conference and its proceedings would highlight the current trends and issues in educational research at the graduate and post graduate levels in the Arab world, and would contribute to further developing their development.
Your participation is highly appreciated,
The Organizational Committee
For more information, please contact us at: conference@shamaa.org
Download the Call for Papers
Date and Venue
Friday November 1 from 9:00 am to 18:00 pm
Saturday November 2 from 9:00 to 13:30 pm
Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon

Supporters & Sponsors

Under the Patronage of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon
Lebanese American University (LAU)
An engraved stone in Beirut's city center reads: "Site of the first edifice built in the Turkish empire for a girls school. "It refers to the American School for Girls (ASG), established in Beirut in 1835 by American Presbyterian missionaries. In 1924, ASG started a two-year junior college curriculum that was mandatory at the time for young women wishing to pursue bachelor’s degrees at AUB.In 1927, this program became known as the American Junior College for Women (AJCW) and was transferred to Ras Beirut. Six years later it moved to what is now LAU's Beirut campus. In 1948–49 the AJCW program was expanded under the name Beirut College for Women (BCW). In 1950, it was granted a provisional charter by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York and authorized to bestow the Bachelor of Arts degree requiring a four-year course and the Associate in Arts and Associate in Applied Science degrees for a two-year course. In 1955 the Board of Regents granted BCW an absolute charter with all its rights and privileges, including the authority to also hand out the Bachelor of Science degree.
In 1970 another milestone was reached when the Lebanese Government officially recognized BCW's B.A. and B.S. degrees as equivalent to the national Licence. Having accepted men into some programs, the college changed its name to Beirut University College (BUC) in 1973. In 1985, the Board of Regents amended the charter to allow for the establishment of two additional branch campuses. In October 1991 classes started in the newly built campus at Blat overlooking Byblos. It was officially inaugurated on July 16, 1992.
According to a BUC Board decision, the institution became a university in October 1992. In 1994, the Board of Regents in New York approved BUC's request to change into the Lebanese American University (LAU). In June 2009, LAU's expansion into the field of medical education was buttressed by the acquisition of a majority shareholder position in the University Medical Center–Rizk Hospital (UMC-RH). -
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States
UNESCO Beirut is the Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States. It serves 18 UN Member States in the Arab Region, as well as the Palestinian Autonomous Territories.
Under the Education Sector's accountable decentralization arrangement, the Regional Bureau is responsible for setting goals and coordinating programs with strategic plans as well as leads the regional level interventions of the Organization in close consultation with the other field offices.
The Bureau pays specific attention to the educational needs of vulnerable and excluded groups, especially girls and women in poor and rural areas. It has been charged with providing expertise and technical support, fostering partnerships and setting standards in order to assist Arab States in building learning societies by creating educational opportunities for all communities, with a special focus on vulnerable and excluded groups.
UNESCO Beirut aims to facilitate the national educational development by assisting member states in addressing their national education development needs. In pursuit of this goal, UNESCO Beirut employs a wide array of strategies, including the monitoring and review of existing regional educational standards, and the building of institutional capacities to assist Arab states in equipping themselves to address the challenges they face. -
Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO (LNCU)
The Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO is a national body that liaises between the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Arab League Educational Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures (ALF) on one side, and the national official departments and Lebanese civil society on the other, in the areas of education, sciences, culture and communication.
In assuming the roles of liaison, consultation, and communication, and mobilizing and coordinating partnerships with the civil society, the Lebanese National Commission participates in the implementation of UNESCO, ALECSO and ALF programs and in the dissemination of their values and objectives.
Gold Sponsors
iStyle Apple Premium Reseller
Established in 2005, iSTYLE Apple Premium Reseller operates one of the biggest chain of Apple stores in CEMEA (Central Europe Middle East & Africa) running 11 stores in the Middle East and over 15 in Eastern Europe.
We encourage you to drop by one of our stores, iSTYLE staff can tell you more about incorporating Apple hardware and software solutions into your digital lifestyle. Apple Premium Resellers live and breathe the Apple products. They can help you choose which Mac or iPod is right for you, Give impartial advice on every aspect of you purchase and provide Apple-Certified training on many aspects of the Mac Platform. iSTYLEs are the best place to test-drive a Mac or iPod, get demonstrations of the latest Apple products, and attend events based around the latest technology. They are also the place to get expert advice if you are a business or professional user wanting to do more with your Apple products.
Silver Sponsors
Azm & saade
Azm School
"Azm School" has adopted modern educational methods, and uses the most recent educational technologies in the service of the students and the educational processes. It also takes into consideration the most recent and advanced results of educational research in the world and their fitness to the specificities of Arab and Islamic societies.
Programs and Curricula
Programs and curricula of "Azm School" are conceived to be dynamic, with constant evolution to suit scientific progress in terms of volume, content and meanings, either by adding new relevant topics or by deleting obsolete ones. The curricula are also subject to modification in the teaching methods to help the student increase his knowledge and understanding.
Modern Means
There is no doubt that the modern technological means considerably help in the implementation of the programs and curricula. We can affirm that the students will not be able to undertake their role in building the future if their education is done with the means of the past, particularly in view of the rapid development of modern technologies that help achieving much progress, orientation, participation, and increased productivity and innovation, either in teaching and learning, as in communication, evaluation, etc.
Divisions of the school
Preschool; Primary; Complementary and Secondary.
Special Education at "Azm School"
Special education at "Azm School" is based on the principle of "Education is a right for all" without consideration of the eventual handicap that may prevent the pupil from learning. This education is a pattern of educational services and programs entailing modifications either in the curricula, or in the means used or teaching methods, in response to the individual needs of the pupils who cannot undertake the regular educational programs. Special education emphasizes the need to take care for the pupils with learning difficulties and to adapt the curricula and teaching methods to suit their personal needs.
Aims of Special Education
The following are among the major aims of special education: the identification of the children who have learning difficulties and the preparation of individualized programs suitable to their needs with due consideration to the individual differences among the pupils through proper orientation and assistance to foster their development according to their aptitudes, dispositions, and interests. The categories of special needs with which "Azm School" presently deals with are learning difficulties and learning disabilities. (Shamaa translation) -
Bank Med
A Leading Bank
Headquartered in Beirut, BankMed is one of the top banks in Lebanon. Its market share- measured by total assets - constitutes almost 10% of the total Lebanese banking sector. Through its 58 branches within Lebanon, one in Cyprus, and two in Iraq, the Bank offers a wide range of products and services to individuals and corporations.
BankMed's operations extend to Switzerland, where it fully owns a subsidiary private bank, BankMed Suisse; to Turkey through a commercial bank, T-Bank; and to Saudi Arabia with an investment banking arm through the SaudiMed Investment Company.
A Dynamic Bank
BankMed's role in financing commercial, industrial, and contracting activities has contributed to the growth of these sectors and the resurgence of the Lebanese economy since 1990 and placed the Bank in the position of market-leader in corporate banking.Recently, BankMed has focused on enhancing its Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) business, which is an increasingly important segment of the Lebanese economy.Alongside the well-established corporate business line, the Bank has significantly boosted its retail banking operations. In addition, brokerage and investment banking services have been introduced to meet growing client and investor demands.
A Socially Responsible Bank
BankMed is known for its firm commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility. The Bank launched in 2009 a very ambitious and successful “Happy Planet” environmental campaign which continues today. The initiative attempts to raise awareness about issues pertaining to the environment and includes funding of specific environmental programs. In addition to its environmental activities, the Bank plays an active role in supporting education, sports, culture, and community and economic development initiatives. -
EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the leading provider of resources for libraries including EBSCONET®, EBSCO's total e-resource management system, and EBSCOhost®, the world's premier for-fee online research service, including full-text databases, subject indexes, point-of-care medical reference, historical digital archives and e-books.
EBSCO provides more than 375 research databases and nearly 450,000 e-books plus subscription management services for more than 360,000 unique titles including more than 57,000 online titles.
Through a library of tens of thousands of full-text journals and magazines from renowned publishers, EBSCO serves the content needs of all researchers (Academic, Medical, K-12, Public Library, Corporate, Government, etc.). EBSCO is also the provider of EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS), which provides each institution with a fast, single search box for its entire collection, offering deeper indexing and more full-text searching of journals and magazines than any other discovery service. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at: www.ebsco.com
EBSCO is a division of EBSCO Industries Inc., one of the largest privately held companies in the United States. -
ProQuest connects people with vetted, reliable information. Key to serious research, the company has forged a 70-year reputation as a gateway to the world's knowledge – from dissertations to governmental and cultural archives to news, in all its forms.
An energetic, fast-growing organization, ProQuest includes the ProQuest®, Bowker®, Dialog®, ebrary®, and Serials Solutions® businesses and notable research tools such as the RefWorks® and Pivot™ services, as well as the Summon® web-scale discovery service.
Who Should Attend
- Professors of education in the Arab world.
- Students of education in Arab universities.
- People interested in programs of education in the Arab world.
Register Now
Registration for the conference has closed; Places are no longer available.
Please fill out electronically and return by:
Email: j.ghossein@shamaa.org
Fax: 01- 611560(6)
Hand: Sodeco Square, Bloc C, 6th Floor, Beirut, Lebano